We offer a digital edition of the book for access everywhere.
A digital book offers unique advantages that we believe are crucial for you and your child's well-being. As our third edition in over a decade, the digital format provides real-time updates, so you always have the latest insights and recommendations at no extra cost. With lifelong access, you'll never need to repurchase or worry about staying current. Plus, going digital helps reduce environmental impact by minimizing physical production. Best of all, you can access it instantly from anywhere in the world, without waiting for shipping or paying for international delivery.
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We have a paperback edition for access whenever you need it.
Fight Autism and Win: Biomedical Therapies That Actually Work! teaches you how to do the half-life detox protocol, and its accompanying therapies. We know it is hard to get through mountains of information, so we wrote a quick start guide to understanding and implementing the protocol. We cover specific issues related to heavy metal exposure and their effects on behavior and development. Toxic metals cause health issues, including fungal overgrowth, gut problems, endocrine disorders, and immune dysfunction. You can learn what to do about it! Read More
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We offer a digital course to walk you through the protocol in our book!
The digital online course offers the same valuable information found in our books, with Jan and Tressie walking you through every step. They’ll teach you how to troubleshoot, take action, and implement the protocol. You’ll also receive worksheets, quizzes, checklists, and other helpful tools to guide you through the course and better understand your child’s symptoms. Jan and Tressie will be with you every step of the way!